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We had a dream of earning a lot of money while providing a trustworthy and reliable content to our viewers. So, we tried a lot of things (we actually didn’t, but he said to say so!!!) and here we are. So, this site uses and relies on affiliate marketing. What this means is, we use affiliate links in products and services that we may promote in the website. When one of you kind soul make a purchase using our trusted link, we receive a small amount as a commission for promoting the service. Don’t worry as you are not charged any extra in order for us to receive the commission. We act like “Robinhood” himself and the companies pay us from their earnings so that both us and our lovely visitors can benefit from the content we provide. We work day and night to provide you with useful and trustworthy content so we hope you understand our need to use affiliate marketing. However, we can assure you that promotion of products and services are truly based on proper reviews and are used by our team members unless it is said so in the post.   So, we hope we are cleared on the use of Affiliate links, commission earned and Affiliate marketing. If you need any more information, please let us know.