Restyourback is an independent group of friends who are interested in different fields and activities. Having vast mindset and abilities we as a group decided to see if we can share our experiences in form of reviews on movies and shows we watch and products we use so that you our readers will have easy job on making a hard choice. We discuss various topics and will try to including but not limited to movies, anime, series, games and various products. We understand that choices can be difficult and with so much varieties it can be a bit confusing to know what to spend your money on. So, we would like you to trust on us and read our views and hope we can ease the process of choices for you.
Nerds!! Millennials!! Researchers!! Hustlers!!
We can be known by any names you want to call us. We are last of the 90’s kids so we like to be known as bridges to connect all the generations.
We can understand that mixing up of cultures can be difficult so let us be your guide in this transition.
But we are not just some upcoming kids. Rather we are educated fellows with degrees in our hand just wishing to make little bit more difference in the society by sharing what we know better.
What is this Website?
This website is as of the moment a blog or collection of our research and reviews. Restyourback aims to provide you proper information so that we can guide you to best of the services and products to use. We do aim to grow bigger and better with support we get and hope to provide more relevant information to our viewers and ease their needs. We believe in “Honesty is the best policy” and wish nothing but the best to our visitors.
We definitely don’t know each other (for now), and our only arsenal is our words to you. But we believe that “A ballot is stronger than a bullet” and hope our honesty reaches out to you. But we do claim few of the below to earn your trust to begin with:
Despite all the efforts and research, the reviewed items are subjective, personal and are volatile to certain risks. We do encourage doing your own research as well since the products and services used can be dependent to time and locality. Although the chances of this happening are very slim, we want you to know that we are not claiming or guarantying the lifeline of the services and products but rather our aim is to provide unbiased and honest review and response about those services and products so that they can be clearer for you. Thank you for choosing us for the information.
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